


A must have cement dissolver in every dental clinic!

Temp-Off is a revolutionary liquid that dissolves all temporary cements zinc oxide based with and without Eugenol. Temp-Off removes homogeneous layer of 0.25mm from old cement. No need of ultrasonic bath.

Tempoff demo video

No-Contamination of the clinic

The particles resulting from the removal of the temporary cement falls on the clinic floor, and contaminate the environment.


As all the temporary restorations are acrylic, and, as stated earlier, the cleaning process is mechanical, the main problem is breakage:
1. Breakage at the edges
2. Breakage of the bridge at a contact point
3. Perforation.

Health and Safety

Until now, the use of sharp instruments were used. This procedure endanger the operator by accidental injuries. Temp-off removes this risk.

Saving of Chair time

The removal of the temporary cement is performed by the dentist or his dental assistant; in both cases, this is a waste of their valuable Chair time!

want to read an article about Antibacterial Effect of a Temporary Cement–Dissolving Liquid? click on the button

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want to read an article about Antibacterial Effect of a Temporary Cement–Dissolving Liquid? click on the button

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