About Temp-off
Temp-Off™ is a revolutionary patent-pending (PCT) product, already in use by thousands of dentists all around the world, which dissolves and easily removes the temporary cements used in prosthodontics.
Temp-Off™ is a liquid that dissolves all Zinc-Oxide base temporary cements, with or without Eugenol.
This easy method of dissolving dental cements renders the present mechanical method obsolete, and makes Temp-off™ a “must to have product” in dental clinics.
Saving of “Chair time”
Once the temporary crown is removed from the mouth , the Dentist or the Assistant will soak it in Temp-Off™ for as long as that the Dentist is busy doing other things. i.e. – Taking impressions, masseurs the metal frame work or masseurs the porcelain bisk bake.
Temp-Off™ takes only “virtual time” and save chair time.
Health and Safety
No need to use sharp tools to remove mechanically the old cement which may injure the dentist or his staff.
As most of the temporary restorations are acrylic, and, as stated earlier, the cleaning process is mechanical, the main problem is breakage!
1. Breakage at the edges
2. Breakage of the bridge at a contact point
3. Perforation
Contamination of the clinic
The particles resulting from the removal of the temporary cement falls on the clinic floor, and contaminate the environment.